2024 XMAS Present,指定品牌訂單滿2888享一件贈品23u4024-S1(面料顏色隨機,價值550元) Orders reach 2888 from designated brands enjoy a free gift 23u4024-S1 (Fabric color is random, value NT$550)
The above discounts may not apply to [Lucky Bag] items.
The discount calculation method of [Value Pack] has been changed from October 24, 2024. For details, please see the instructions on each product page.
Discounts are apply to [Value Pack] items (Start from October 24, 2024).
If the product is selected as [other fabric/color] and becomes a [Value Pack], but when the note in the order or message to changed to multiple colors, you may not be able to enjoy the discounted price for the value pack, customer service will recalculate the price when modifying the order, after recalculation, if it meets the above discount activities, the discount for that activity will be calculated for you. Therefore, if the above situation occurs, please wait for customer service modifications after sending the order before making payment.
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